Novedades en los Marcados de Clase CE de los Drones

Nueva Plataforma Marcados de Clase CE Drones

La nueva Normativa Europea de Drones introduce la figura del Marcado de Clase.

Aún cuando este Marcado no es obligatorio hasta 2023, muchos usuarios se preguntan qué sucederá con los Drones que, a día de hoy, no cuentan con él.

Y la «Pregunta del Millón» que escuchamos ahora cada día los que vendemos Drones es, desde que se anunció la necesidad de estos Marcados, «¿Este Dron cuenta o contará con el Marcado de Clase CE?».

Pregunta difícil de contestar, porque, lo que casi nadie sabe es que, a día de hoy, no existen Organismos que puedan conceder este requisito, lo que pone a los fabricantes en un fuerte aprieto, y esta suponiendo un freno importante en el sector.

Ahora, por fin, sabemos que en muy poco tiempo contaremos en España con un Laboratorio habilitado para hacer los estudios pertinentes y emitir los certificados de Marcado C0,C1, C2, etc., de forma que los fabricantes pueden empezar a regularizar sus certificaciones muy pronto.

Mas Información aquí:

Y aquí, la nota de prensa (en Inglés, al tratarse de una plataforma internacional), con el lanzamiento de esta nueva Plataforma:

DRONES CE LAB, the new guide for drone manufacturers 

ALTER TECHNOLOGY is pleased to announce the launch of the DRONES CE LAB. This is a new platform created as part of our continuous commitment to provide valued support to the Drones Market.

This new site will enable the manufacturer/Supplier/user to find a STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE for the APPROVAL OF DRONES WITH THE RELEVANT CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. Alter Technology provides users with a comprehensive set of information with the required topics necessary to achieve CE Marking and class labeling certifications. This includes the different tests related to Directives (EMC, RED and Machinery) based on the current regulations that apply to this sector.

We have also included a section related to the delta testing that manufacturers/importers will need to carry out if they want to sell compliant drones in Europe-and to which we can provide that support.

The launch of DRONES CE LAB comes with a comprehensive guide prepared by Alter Technology experts, who have been part of the four working subgroups tasked with the development of the EU Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945. This guide is intended to provide key points of the regulation and suggestions to better understand the process of CE marking and class labeling.
You can download the guide here.
Using this platform Alter Technology will help manufacturers and importers avoid seizure of good for non-compliance or unnecessary delays/costs in having goods returned for compliance by the relevant Civil Aviation Authority. If you are concerned about changes in the regulations, please bear in mind that ALTER is part of the Working Groups related to the means of compliance development for the Drones’ Regulation. This ensures and guarantees alignment of the test campaigns and verification to the latest, compliant methods proposed by ALTER for the Drones’ Community to provide a reliable service.
For further information, please contact us at:;